برچسب: requirements

Three Simple Truths

The following are three simple project truths that, once accepted, get rid of much of the drama and dysfunction we regularly see on software projects.

It is impossible to gather all the requirements at the beginning of a project.

Whatever requirements you do gather are guaranteed to change.

There will always be more to do than time and money will allow.

Accepting the first truth means you are not afraid to begin your journey without knowing everything up front. You understand that requirements are meant to be discovered and that not proceeding until all are gathered would mean never starting.

Accepting the second means you no longer fear or avoid change. You know it is coming. You accept it for what it is. You adapt your plan when necessary and move on.

And by accepting the third, you no longer get stressed when your todo list exceeds your time and resources to deliver. This is the normal state for any interesting project. You do the only thing you can—you set some priorities, get the most important stuff done first, and save

the least important for last.

Once you accept these three simple project truths, much of the stress and anxiety traditionally associated with software delivery disappears. You are then able to think and innovate with a level of focus and clarity that escapes most in our industry.